Cyber Clutter

For someone who is online almost 24/7, it’s so easy to create a lot of online accounts non-stop. Just the other day, I was blog-hopping and I noticed that there are a lot of lovely, lovely WordPress blog templates out there. The next thing I know, I was already signing-up for a WordPress account! But just when I was getting ready to customize my new WordPress blog, I realized that I really don’t want to maintain a lot of online stuff. That, by the way, is the same reason why I haven’t accepted any MySpace invite from friends. I already have a Friendster account and I’m sticking to it, in the same way that I’m sticking to this blog, for now. In any case, I’m happy that I was able to reserve the WordPress URL that I wanted (can’t share it yet… it’s going to be on hold for the time being). I should be able to use it if/when I get the urge to splurge more time in cyberland again.

Before this turns-out to be a “shopping”-related entry (the whole “urge to splurge” thing is making me want to shift to another topic), I just want to share my “still” long list of online accounts. Feel free to visit my sites, drop me a note, and/or add me as a friend –

For online community, as mentioned earlier, I’m sticking to good old Friendster ( –

For blogging, I’ll be maintaining this one year and seven month old blogger space ( –

For photo hosting, I’ll still be using my growing Picasa Web Album ( –

For instant messaging, I’m keeping the following accounts (and saying goodbye to my AOL account) –
*MSN –
*YM –
*SKYPE – aljbundoc (Skype is very reliable when it comes to computer-to-computer calls.)

For emailing, I’ll be maintaining and constantly checking (as much as possible) the following –
*GMAIL - (This account I check almost everyday. Thanks to Erwin for configuring it in my laptop’s MS Office Outlook program.)

So there… Hopefully, having this list could help me maintain and organize / avoid cluttering my personal cyberspace. You might want to try doing it. It’s just like creating a shopping list (shopping again?), so that you can avoid picking-up things that are just fancy and not really necessary. It might just help…

Enjoy browsing everyone! =)


Erwin was here!

Erwin came to Singapore for an almost two week stay. Super saya! Below are just a few pics from his first out of the country experience (yes, first time as he doesn't like travelling that much) --

We pigged-out at Gluttons and Hooters, met-up with his Singapore-based friends (APB brods Junpads & Nat and high school friend Dobol), visited a few Singapore tourist spots, etc. etc. Basta, sobrang saya talaga! :D

More photos can be found @

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