Quick One!
It's been ages since I wrote something for this blog! I don't think I even know how to do this anymore, so apologies if this entry ends-up not having any coherence at all.
I’ve been working again since last March (for almost nine months now). I’m now with a healthcare IT company and so far, it’s been okay. Yeah, just okay. Is it my dream job? Well, not really. I feel that I can still do more. I want to do more, but probably, not now. Not yet. I have to lay low for a while. Think. Prioritize. Put things in perspective. No rush.Yes, that's an engagement ring that you're seeing on my finger. I’m getting married in about seven months! Huge step, huh? Yeah, but I’m ready for it. Or should I say, I have “decided” to be ready for it? If you know me well enough, you’d know everything for me is a decision. Happiness is a choice. Life is what we make it. And yes, love is a decision. Am I happy? Yes. Why? Because I am marrying a good man, someone who I love and trust. You see, I can never imagine ending-up with someone who I don’t love. And more than that, I will never choose to spend the rest of my life with someone who I cannot trust. I must say, I am indeed in very good hands. And yeah, so is he! *wink* Anyways, to learn more about our upcoming wedding, go to http://www.sharedweddings.com/leahanderwin.
We’re going home for the holidays! I can imagine, it’s going to be sooo hectic. We’ll be doing tons of prenup stuff and also, lots of catching-up with family and friends. We only have two weeks. *sigh* It’s gonna be B-U-S-Y. And it’s gonna be F-U-N! Can’t wait!
Gotta go for dinner now... Until then! Oh, in case I don't get to blog again before Christmas -- HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! :)