Do the Math
>> Monday, May 21, 2007 –
Sweet Talk

- for being patient with the long drive from your house/school to my place;
- for practicing "defensive driving" when I'm with you;
- for sharing interesting "do you know that according to our law…" trivias with me;
- for letting me try all of your favorite foods (from UP's isaw and Mang Jimmy's sisig to Chateau Verde's pasta dishes);
- for making each movie date, food trip, and Starbucks moments worth the while;
- for introducing me to your "brods" and still paying attention to me when we're with them;
- for adjusting to our time difference now and staying-up late just to have a conversation with me;
- for putting the movie that you're watching on pause when I need to talk to you;
- for spending lunch break at your desk, so that we can chat;
- for keeping me calm and helping me troubleshoot my computer when I thought I've lost all my files;
- for teaching me how to do "techy" stuffs "the more correct way" (according to you :p);
- for sharing your music with me and sending me MP3 files all the time;
- for making me experience your type of reading by giving/lending me a copy of your favorite books;
- for doing all these not because you "have" to, but because you "want" to; and
- for the countless other thoughtful things that just failed to cross my mind right this very moment. :)