High CPU utilization and out of memory!?! There are too many things on my mind that like a computer, it just seems to hang sometimes. I’m leaving for Singapore on the 20th and there’s still a lot to organize – my company car loan, my resignation clearance, my luggage, my finances, my despedida meeting with friends, etc. etc. etc. There’s no enough space for my to do’s, but there sure is space for some anxiety and of course, sadness. In fact, I actually feel like my processor has allotted a lot of memory for those two things. I’m going to miss home. I guess from here on, I just need to constantly remind myself why I am doing this. Everything’s gonna be alright. This is a blessing. This isn’t a curse. And I know that the BIG MAN up there will give me the strength to make things happen. We’re in this together, totally in this together.